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- Zero Waste Strategies Discussed at Hearing (0)
- October 12, 2018
The Harvard Crimson covered the very informative Health and Environment Committee hearing we held on 10/9 to learn about the City's Zero Waste plan and the complexity of recycling "right," processing organic food waste, and waste diversion and reduction. Read article.
Comment Here or Go to Link »- I'm quoted in this Harvard Crimson story about the Harvard Square kiosk and plaza renovations: "Devereux said she too wants to see both the T station headhouse and the escalators into the T station restored in the future." “It’s like fixing your house and doing everything but repainting the front door and front porch,” Devereux said. “It’s like ‘Yeah, but we have beautiful bathrooms upstairs and look at our kitchen, it’s really sexy, and out in the backyard, we planted a bunch of trees. Well how come you didn’t fix your front porch [if] it’s got a hole in the steps and the door doesn’t work?’”
Comment Here or Go to Link » - Those electric scooters like Bird and Lime? They’re illegal in Mass. (0)
- September 18, 2018
I am quoted in the Boston Globe article that reported on a committee hearing I chaired about electric shared scooters. “They are a good idea, I think,” said Councilor Jan Devereaux, who leads the chamber’s transportation initiatives. “The devil is in the details in terms of wanting them to be used safely. They are not toys.”
Comment Here or Go to Link »- Alewife garage to open for Monday commute, but will close at night and next weekend (0)
- August 12, 2018
The Alewife T station garage had to be closed for urgent repairs. I am quoted in the Boston Globe article. "Cambridge City Councilor Jan Devereux, who rode her bicycle up to the garage Sunday afternoon, also criticized the MBTA’s handling of repair projects for its facilities." “It is indicative of waiting until the 11th-and-a-half hour to take care of problems that are visible to the naked eye,” she said.
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