Councillor Jan Devereux
617-349-4280 (Council main office, 2nd floor of City Hall)
781-296-2969 (cell)
Legislative Aide at City Hall (2nd floor):
Nora Bent
617-349-4277 (office)
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 9:00-10:30 at City Hall or by appointment. Please confirm in advance if you plan to attend office hours, as the schedule is subject to change.
Cambridge City Hall
795 Mass. Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Note: City Hall and other city offices close at 12 noon on Fridays.
The City Council holds its public meetings on most Mondays, starting at 5:30 pm. Public committee meetings are scheduled at the discretion of the chair.
See complete hearing schedule, agendas, minutes and video on the Open Meeting Portal: