No better place than Cambridge to recover from disaster

I wrote an editorial that was published in the Dec. 8th edition of the Cambridge Chronicle:

A catastrophic fire like the 10-alarm conflagration that swept through a quiet neighborhood behind Donnelly Field last Saturday afternoon is a disaster no one should ever have to witness or experience. My heart goes out to the dozens of residents who now face the overwhelming task of starting over. But after seeing our community’s rapid response, I can say unequivocally there is no better place than Cambridge to recover from such a terrible disaster. As I have heard Louis D. DePasquale, our new city manager, say repeatedly since the tragedy: “We are all in this together. We will take care of you. This is when Cambridge is at its best.” He has been our city manager for less than a month, but I trust this son of East Cambridge when he promises that no one who needs help will fall through the cracks. Read the rest on the Cambridge Chronicle website.

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Jan Devereux
City Councillor
Cambridge, MA